Anna-Maria Toivonen

Anna-Maria Toivonen


Anna-Maria Toivonen

Anna-Maria Toivonen, Master of Culture and Arts, is a Storyteller, Folk singer and a Music Therapist. She´s been working in the field of intangible cultural heritage for 25 years now performing as a Storyteller at the festivals, private fests, schools and wherever one can imagine! She´s been touring in Finland, Norway and Scotland and she is also working as a teacher using storytelling as a pedagogical tool at the school with adults from all over the world. 

Raising up awareness of intangible cultural heritage and making heritage alive is the heart of Anna-Maria´s work. She wants to invite people to rest in the world of stories and enjoy the special experience together.

“Storytelling offers us possibility to see and be seen and hear and be heard. I carry in me our cultural heritage such as rune singing, storytelling and lamenting, and I strongly feel it needs to be shared. I invite people to share their own intangible cultural heritage as I want people to see how stories and songs can bring us together.”

Wednesday 25.9.


Duration: 75 minutes

Storytelling: Stories from the NorthOsmo Hakosalo, Anna-Maria Toivonen & Brent Ó Caiside

Bar Café Hemingway’s

Free Entry

Arrive early to be seated.

Thursday 26.9.


Duration: 2 hours

Tales & Tarinat: Eamonn Keenan, Brent Ó Caiside, Anna-Maria Toivonen, Anna-Kaisa Kettunen, Aaron Gorman

Bar Café Hemingway’s

Free Entry

Arrive early to be seated.

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